Whatever It Takes

The Whatever It Takes (WIT) fund was launched in 2013 by the Foundation in support of the work spearheaded by Langley Memorial Hospital’s Social Work team.

The fund helps to cover expenses for practical assistance that helps patients transition from hospital to home.

Recipient patients are mostly vulnerable Langley residents: seniors, new Canadians and people subsisting on a low income and patients who lack the family or social networks that most of us rely on to cope after a health crisis.

Many recipients need help cleaning their home, buying groceries, organizing medications or arranging appointments - all practical, everyday chores that help them regain their independence or secure an income that will sustain them over the long-term.

Without your generosity, numerous senior citizens, new mothers and vulnerable low-income residents would have suffered from great discomfort, hunger or pain after a hospital stay, and would have been at great risk of re-admission to hospital.

When you give to the Whatever It Takes fund, you extend compassion to Langley’s citizens with complex needs.

You honour their dignity and provide them with the essentials they need to get well, stay well and contribute to a healthy, thriving community.