Your legacy is our community’s future.

Giving a legacy gift is a personal act that shows great passion for supporting the charities close to your heart. Perhaps you received excellent care at Langley Memorial Hospital and want to express your gratitude; maybe you want to give back to your community; or possibly you want to reap the tax benefits that a charitable gift can provide to you and your estate.

Whatever your reason, a gift in your Will is a thoughtful investment in health care for our patients, our hospital and our community.

There are several ways you can leave a legacy gift:

  • Bequest in your Will

  • Gifts of Securities

  • Charitable Gift Annuities

  • Gifts of real estate


  • Life insurance

Together, we can ensure that Langley Memorial Hospital has the funds needed to continue to provide the very best health care to Langley residents well into the future.

Learn more about what you can do today to ensure a healthier tomorrow!

Contact Toni Andreola, Donor Advisor at or call 672 879 2394.

Dr. Benjamin B. Marr Legacy Circle

Members of the Dr. Benjamin B. Marr Legacy Circle have made a gift in their will to the Langley Community Health & Hospital Foundation.

Langley’s first resident doctor arrived in Fort Langley in 1910 and was one of the principle doctors for the area, responsible for the care and well-being of 9,000 patients.

As early as 1929, Dr. Marr championed the need for a hospital in Langley. Through his efforts, the “cottage” hospital was opened in 1948. Langley Community Health & Hospital Foundation honours Dr. Marr’s commitment to our community - as a doctor, as a soldier in WW1 and as a devoted servant to his patients.

As a member of the Dr. Benjamin B. Marr Legacy Circle, you will be:

  • Our guest at special events, tours and seminars

  • Recognized in the Foundation’s various communication materials.

  • Recognized on the donor wall in the Hospital lobby.

If you would like more information on joining the Legacy Circle, please contact Toni Andreola, Donor Advisor at or call 672 879 2394.